Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ein gets a geocache !

I spent most of my day today at work, on call, but I had a small break in between for a very short hike in the woods with Ein.   There is a small and secluded park close to where we live that I have hidden three geocaches in, and I wanted to add another.  This geocache is a multi-stage cache and will be called "Finest Einest - for the geodogs!"   It is a tribute geocache to my best trail dog ever, Mr. Ein!   I filled it with lots of dog goodies for geocachers to take for their dogs and I taped a photo of young Ein soaked in river water after a swim and gazing out over the Susquehanna - the mighty river.  Where we found ourselves, where we walked a million miles together...but never enough.

It's no long epic hike to our geocache, not even half a mile.   But it is peaceful and not a lot of people go there, it is perfect for a solitary walk in the woods and so it is a great spot for my best boy's geocache.  Ammo cans are perfect for geocaches because they are sturdy, waterproof, and last forever.  I was lucky to get my hands on one, my brother in law Andy donated it to the cause.  And Ein was just happy to be out in the woods with me!

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