Today was a treasured week day off of work! Only one thing to do...go for a hike! Except one little thing. It is opening day for buck season. *Sadface* I would normally eye up a hike on the Appalachian Trail, but that was a no go. Most of the AT goes through State Game Lands. A section that I considered was NOT on the Game Lands, but I did not want to drive an hour only to find out that it was private land open to hunting. I may have a bright orange hat, but I didn't want to put myself or my dogs at risk.
For about an hour I decided that I would be hanging out at home and reading The Hobbit. But then I had another idea... I found that Nolde Forest (a state park) is a no hunting zone!
I loaded the dogs up in the car (except for Ein. He had napping under the desk plans.) and off we went. I spent about two to three hours wandering the trails and looking for geocaches. It was pleasant, simple hiking and just enough time outdoors to get the fresh air in my lungs.
Cold. |
Look! There were dogs with me. |
Nolde Mansion. |
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