Sunday, May 10, 2015

R & R

Regarding Perri's weave issue, I felt the first step was to do nothing at all.  That might not be the answer for a lot of teams, but considering Perri's personality it seemed like the best thing.  She did not come with Molly and I to agility class, we did not work on weaves any other week night.  And on Thursday when I had a day off of work, I decided against going to an open training time at a semi-local training facility and decided to take Perri hiking with me instead.  The open training would be great for Perri, it is an opportunity to work on dirt footing (a troublesome turf for Perri.) at fun-run prices...but I think it needs to wait.  

We had a beautiful few hours out in nature hiking and geocaching together.  Perri got filthy, she swam in a creek, she rolled in dead stuff, she was happy.  We were happy.  Just Being together.  And tomorrow we are leaving for a short family camping trip.  There will be hiking, swimming, relaxing.

I don't know what the answer is.  Did Perri forget how to weave?  That would be strange.  Is she in pain?  She will be getting a chiro adjustment and evaluation this Wednesday when we arrive home from our camping trip.    Barring any injury, we will begin relaxed work with the weave poles again.  I will be setting very limiting boundaries for myself.  Less is more, short and sweet.  It is easy for me to get carried away when Perri is successful.   But right now we need Success Only, and confidence boosting.  I feel very strongly that the issue is in Perri's confidence, and she is at rock bottom with her weave poles right now.   I am to blame for this and I can add it to the list of mistakes I have made.  Perri is not a dog, at least not right now, who can be asked to repeat weave poles if she pops out of them.  We can get to that point, we will figure this out together.

But for now, we are going lake camping!!

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