Friday was AKC. We started with FAST. I'm a little disappointed in myself on this. I started off great with a rock solid plan 2-7-3 and then some nice distance handling over 6-1-5.) It fell apart from there. I didn't have a clear plan after that other than "get to the Send." And that just stinks. I need to remember to support my dog always - she doesn't know that we have accumulated enough points and can just go do the send. She only knows that her handler has suddenly become confusing. Anyway, I knew when I saw the Aframe was in the gamble we probably weren't going to qualify and I was right, she jumped the contact. Oh well. We earned 27 points, and if we had gotten the Send it would have been 56. Can't seem to nail down that Novice FAST title to save my life!
Jumpers with Weaves next and we qualified clean! She even got her weave entry and stayed in, that is huge for us! My front cross was late, I did my rear cross a jump too late at the end - when will I learn? But I am really happy with our run regardless. That's two OAJ legs!
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Luna and Molly both got 1st Places in JWW, good dogs! |
The last one was Open Standard. I was sweating about this course. The weave entry (we didn't get it - got one refusal.) ... I ended up rear crossing the teeter and sending her over the jump and then just switching her back into the tunnel (I was also worried she would go wide on to the dog walk instead of in that tunnel.) Was worried she would go out of the ring. Run into the tunnel after the dog walk. Blow the Aframe contact (she....did.) So much to be concerned about in Standard! However, we got no off courses, we had decent speed and connection and she would have qualified if not for that Aframe! In comparison to some of our major hot mess runs of the past (and sometimes...the present!) this one was far more success than failure!
Switching gears! Sunday was CPE. We started off with Jumpers. It was a fun course with challenges and when I took Molly to the start line she was pretty revved up. When she took off she was going so fast (at least it felt that way!) I felt barely in control the entire time and as you can see in the video, I lose her to an off course jump. My voice was calling her but my body was still pointing forward. Groan. I would have loved to try this one again and gotten it right. She was a good girl, she did just what I told her to do! After that I totally lost my mind and sent her on the wrong line. We got 55 faults because I did not really care to correct my errors, and I just finished her off on a tunnel and jump. Wheeeee!
Next was Standard. Yuck! Fret points: Aframe, weave entry, tunnel trap after the jump and teeter, staying committed on the 180 and not visiting ring crew. And we did it! With a clean run and all. She entered the weaves and stayed in, she did her contacts. I did the dog walk to that tunnel and did a blind cross just in time to run her down the last line. Zoom zoom! Wish I had this one on video.
Wildcard Level 4. We needed two "B" obstacles and one "A". I chose to do 5B, 8A and 9B. I originally wanted to try 8B and avoid the dog walk entirely - but c'mon, it was so much cleaner to just go right into the close end of the tunnel. It turned out to be a total non issue - a clean run with a good time. Moo!
Last, Colors Level 4! I chose the square course. I don't even think five of us out of the whole class chose that square course. I chose it because: no Aframe, no Weave Poles right next to the ringside area. This course also contained two tunnel traps, so I had to be careful and watch my deceleration and support Molly. Another clean run, nice and smooth - though we did miss the weave entry. So proud of my girl!
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